Professional Nursing Team

nurseNurses are part of your team working towards the goal of improving your health. They watch over you before and after your procedure has completed, administer medication prescribed by your provider, monitor your overall health and comfort, and ensure information about your progress is accurately documented and handed off to the next nursing team member.

Three Rivers Hospital is fortunate to have many experienced, well-trained and passionate nursing staff who choose to work here, regardless of the distance they may have to routinely travel to provide quality patient care to our communities and families.



Available 24/7
Phone: 509.689.2517 ext. 3125

Will you be staying with us?
Remember to bring:

  • A list of your current medications.
  • A list of your allergies.
  • A CPAP machine, if you have one.

Always Here To Help


The general staffing plan for our nursing unit to ensure the best patient care we can offer includes:

  • Charge Nurse
  • ER Nurse
  • Acute Care Nurse
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Unit Secretary